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Vet Wrap Podcast, Ep 12: ETCO2 – What do we do?
Join us for our first vet and nurse episode of Vet Wrap - ETC02 – What do we do? Join Dr Clara Lauinger, ECC Registrar and Jessica Austin, Referral Surgery Nurse, for tips and tricks on troubleshooting ETCO2 by returning to basics and using a mechanical ventilator or...
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Past Videos
Nursing set up for oesophageal foreign bodies
Nurse Elise explains how our medicine nursing team prepares for a patient with an oesophageal foreign body, what to consider and the set-up she recommends.
Interpretation of an Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Nurse Nikki presents a refresher about electrocardiography (ECG), what it is, what is considered a normal range, how to interpret an ECG and what normal traces look like.
Double intussusception – A case study presentation
Nurse Jess discusses a case study she has prepared about a surgery she was involved in for a dog with a double intussusception. She will explain what she did and why from an anaesthesia perspective and what she would do differently next time.
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